Sweet =D
I Love this.. lawa kamu ah... mcm urg utan (bukan ku ucap kamu ambuk!!! mksud ku bini-bini yg tinggal arh utan-utan mcm bini tarzan)
Nano & Saya didepan window
Mumu, I love u sis... She hugged me msa ku bersedih
Me, Myself & I
"I read yAyA`s blog too .. again I was surprise sal she posted out "moving mountain" ok what happen yAy?? something wrong is it?? ntah idk , she didn`t even told me pun .. I am frustrating lagii .."
Dlm explanasi ani xplain psal aku msa dulu... Remember my love stories yg lapas? d 1 yg bunuh aku ah... tapi msa ne aku idup smula dah so no worries... aku nada sakit-sakit lagi... m fine n m happy... m back to normal dah =)"This song is about a man who does something to lose his woman's trust, most likely cheat on her. Anyway she say's she forgives him and they can try again but it's just not the same anymore. There's no trust there, and love is just dying and dying. He's trying to make it work but it feels like "moving mountains" So in the end he's just like lets just end this, that way you can be happy and i start over...hence the words:"Just leave me, be" "
This song is about a man who does something to lose his woman's trust, most likely cheat on her. Anyway she say's she forgives him and they can try again but it's just not the same anymore. There's no trust there, and love is just dying and dying. He's trying to make it work but it feels like "moving mountains" So in the end he's just like lets just end this, that way you can be happy and i start over...hence the words:"Just leave me, be"
"Purbz, kamu bagaikan kupu-kupu malam yg mengelapkan malam ku.. Aku cinta kamu dari ujung kuku jari kaki singgah ke paha & melintas jubur dan naik ke sepenuh liver ku (HEART bah!).."
Bah aku skulah... bye!
It's NOT about being whoeveryone else wants
you to be,it's about being yourself& finding someonewho LOVESevery bit of it
Dah, atu ja dulu... Aku malas becerita sal nada mood ku kan becerita... All I need, is d air I breath & A place to rest my head~ BANTAL KU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bye =D
Life is too short to be anything but HAPPY.
So kiss slowly. Love Deeply. Forgive Quickly.
Take Chances & Never have Regrets.
Forget the past but Remember what it taught you =)
1) What is the most important things in your life?
- Is??? My families (msuk purbz serta keluarga sampingan & wives)
2) What is the last thing that you bought with your own money?
- Sutung Tutuk sama Kebab AHAHAHAHA ngok!
3) Where do you wish to get married?
- Hmm.. Aku malas pikir hal-hal mcm ani... Sal aku nda mau pikir psal nada kan dipikir... =D
4)How old do you think you will be permanently owned by your love?
- Question yg paling BODOH. Dah ku trust love & dah ku jmpa Mr. Right ku =) nanti-nanti tah... Enjoy ku dulu suping-suping, bru ta ku branak...
5) Are you in love? Right now?
- NOPE... I think.. Sal aku nda tau kmna love ku... Kunci jantung ku ilang sudah dimakan samut bebisa
6) Where was the last restaurant you had dinner?
- KFC? kali la aaah...
7) Name the latest book that you bought?
- I am in no mood for love =D (i love the title yata ku bali tp alum ku bca)
8) What is your full name?
- Izyan Idris
9) Do you prefer your mother or father?
- I prefer both. I cant live without them. Without them I cant live
10) Name a person that you really wish to meet in real life for the first time?
- Dato Dr Muzaphar!!!!!!!!!!! aaaaaaah (not sure lurus o nda nmanya tu) Amus!!! (L) Nah ingat ku sudah.. Yes m in lop... With him!!! ahahaha... Idola ku~
11) Christina or Bill Gate & Why?
- Bill Gates.. His money, I love. His brain, I need.
12) Do you do your own laundry?
- Yeah. Basar ku sudah.
13) The most exciting place you want to go?
- Disneyland? Ahahaha Banar~ aku basar sudah tpi aku mau balik smula ke zaman kanak-kanak tym ku alum kenal erti C.I.N.T.A & stupid PSEUDO romance
14) Hugs or kisses?
- Hugs & Kisses, Both I adore
15) 8 things I am passionate about?
- Usin, Ipod, Tivi, Hushie, Momo, Magazines, Pisin baju & Nails
16) 8 things I say too often:
- Aah??, Oooh.., Malas ku pikir, Biar cha, Oh-Em-Jiii *tgn arh pipi* (me n cuzn si ajid ne capi-capi di KL yata kuar ani smpai ani kna ikut uleh cuzns lain mostly guys), Paloi, BullShit!, Tayieee
17) 8 songs I could listen to over and over again :
- Dangerously In Love(ada jua beratus-ratus dh ku dgr ni - my ipod ada bukti), Say (All I need), His mistakes, Thanks For Nothin', Lucky, I'm yours, Details in the fabric & Torn
18) 8 people to tag:
- Nano, Mumu, dan semua kaum kerabat yg membca ni aaah...
"Hapi bday to eyan.Yg ke 20 taun~bagak dh ya.Hehehe!wish pnjng umur n ceria2 slalu ye.Mcam dj radio plg XP Nwy,ku tlmbat msg ea.Spatutnya tym midnyt.Lalai liat drama tu nah~tym kul 2 pgi baru ta sdar.adui~So aku msg ea tym ptg(27/6)..blablabla~well aku kn bagi bunga ros rah nya(coz she like red).But im not sure when i can get that thingy.Hahahaha! i need to tell syamsul & aizat bout this too coz she also want rose from them.Hahaha!its not my fault~ XP"Thanx Jijan!!!!! Jgn lupa tu Rose ku yg ko janjikan aaah... & uh... WANTED is d best movie ever!!! bek ko liat!!! lau nda ku blasah ko ne